Flowers and Flakes Class
Flowers and Flakes Class
Flowers and Flakes:
This pattern teaches you how to work with Diamond Duo beads and peyote stitch to create stunning poinsettia motifs for bracelets, earrings, necklaces and more - perfect for holiday gift giving! Multiple sized flowers and snowflakes can be made from this pattern set - giving you infinite possibilities.
Change red and green to blue or silver with white to create snowflakes... change to pink and peach for a pop of spring colors! Work in metallics for a geometric statement bracelet... A pattern you can go to again and again through multiple seasons to get tons of looks :)
You will need to be familiar with circular peyote for this class. Suitable for advanced beginners and intermediate Beaders.
Taught be Michelle Gowland AKA The Rolling Beadweaver.